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Virtual Roundtable: "A Peacekeeping Mission for Afghanistan?"

Human Security Lab presents a webinar-style roundtable of experts to discuss the situation in Afghanistan and options in the UN toolkit including a potential peacekeeping mission. Guests include Human Security Lab Director and UMass Amherst Professor of Political Science Charli Carpenter, Professor Sabrina Karim of Cornell University’s Gender and Security Sector Lab, Professor John Ciorciari of University of Michigan’s School of Public Policy, Professors Lias Hultman and Chiara Ruffa from Uppsala University’s Peace and Conflict Department, and Professor Faten Ghosn of University of Arizona’s School of Public Policy. This event is open to the public and questions are welcome. Register here:

April 15

Effects and Effectiveness of the Cluster Munitions Treaty

September 9

Conflict Transformation in Balochistan