Associate Director Kevin Young To Present Research on Race and Diversity in Global Networks

Associate Professor and Human Security Lab Associate Director Kevin Young from the Department of Economics will present his research entitled The Color of Power: Race, Gender and Color Dynamics Among the Global Elite, at the Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instability in Market Societies, with Bruno Cousin (CEE, Sciences Po) discussing. The event will take place at 7am EST Monday morning (1 p Paris time).

Young’s research is the first to map out diversity among global elite networks. Social scientists know a great deal about how race, gender and skin colour effect social stratification within the general population, but they lack knowledge about how these dynamics operate among elites. Young’s project examines the diversity of global elites through a network analysis of the board members of large corporations, think tanks, international organizations, private foundations, non-governmental organizations, and transnational policy planning groups – about 250 different large, globally prominent organizations in total.

The project aims to provide the first descriptive picture of how global elite networks are stratified in terms of race, gender and skin colour and how these networks have been changing over time. In terms of internal dynamics, Young evaluates the compensation hypothesis which states that individuals who attain prominent positions who do not share the dominant group characteristics have other compensating traits that ensure greater psychological security to incumbent elites, such as elite education or lighter skin tone.

When: Monday, 18 October 2021, 13:00-14:30 CEST (Paris time)
: On Zoom* (link to be sent to registered participants)
*Registration required at the link below:


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