Caroline Williams Joins Human Security Lab Team

The Human Security Lab recently welcomed Caroline Williams as the new Lab Coordinator. In this role, Williams will be working closely with Professor Carpenter regarding lab administration and research and will be responsible for leading workshops, coordinating events, speakers, and webinars, and managing projects within the lab. Williams is a UMass student studying political science, with experience in public policy, international business development, and public health.

Williams first became involved in policy development when she co-authored the Menstrual Product Access in State Schools Act alongside State Representative Jeffrey Roy. Working on the bill, Williams became fond of public policy as a tool for solving problems and driving social change. Her pursuits expanded internationally when she worked with students in Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Jordan with the University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute Civic Initiative. In this role, Williams mentored student entrepreneurs and supported their missions to innovate within their communities.

Most recently, Williams has acted as a Policy and Advocacy intern with the Massachusetts Public Health Association, working on policies to advance local public health infrastructure in Massachusetts, create more equitable vaccination access, and improve maternal health in the Commonwealth.

Compassion is woven throughout Williams’ work. Raised in what she refers to as a “progressive Catholic community,” social justice, peace, and compassion are central to her relationships with individuals and communities. She is also of the belief that public health touches on every aspect of people’s lives, including everything from faith, to education, to interpersonal relationships. She is excited to bring these experiences and perspectives to the Human Security Lab, and to be working with a team that shares her mission to empower individuals and communities, and in doing so improve human dignity, equity, and quality of life.

Welcome, Caroline!


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