Upcoming Webinar: Protecting Civilian Men’s Right to Flee Ukraine

Human Security Lab will host a webinar on November 14, 2014 at 4pm to discuss the human rights dimensions of Ukraine’s travel ban on civilian men, and present new data on how the martial law in Ukraine is affecting civilian men and their families.

Since the war began, men ages 18-60 have been barred from fleeing the country. Human Security Lab conducted a survey inside Ukraine to understand how Ukrainians view this issue, and hosted an Experts’ Meeting this summer on gender and human rights dimensions of this law. The informative webinar will include short presentations from several experts on this topic as well as updates from the Lab on its research findings.

Experts joining the panel include:

Prof. Charli Carpenter, Director of Human Security Lab
Prof. Amy Maguire, University of Newcastle
Barrister Leigh Toomey, UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention

The virtual roundtable will be moderated by Jenna Norosky, PhD Candidate at UMass Amherst and member of Human Security Lab’s Working Group on Women, Peace and Security.

To learn more, join here: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_daD0uMZpTPCIjOe7Krhu0g


In Memoriam: Professor of Peace Psychology Bernhard Leidner


Associate UN Humanitarian Affairs Officer Menty Kebede to Speak at Human Security Lab